SundayFunday Got Me Feeling So Fresh

Melissa DiVietri

#sundayfunday got me feeling so fresh ☀️ throwback for you!! ▶️▶️▶️ Back in my time travel days, id be high in the sky of @envyrooftop1 enjoying the sunset views of cotton candy clouds in Medellin 😣 you never realize when a moment is about to become a memory … until it’s gone from beneath you xx but I’ve been making the best of it, and I send myself back into time travel of my glory days as needed Lololol!! Had too…

I’m getting caught up in the drama in Detroit, but that’s the standard right? Gotta work for what is right!! And what is deserved!! Happiness is key to a positive influence in your life, and I’m sure a lot of people still wish I was down in South America for what’s about to happen 😂 as I’m ruffling feathers over in the city to get my happiness in my home base 👊 – Bad spot to be in sometimes, but my outcome will be victorious 🤩 please; wish me luck for the next couple weeks… I will be pushing forward to keep my peace in the city. Watch me do it *snaps 💎💎💎#colombiana #timetravel #lifelessons



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#sundayfunday got me feeling so fresh ☀️ throwback for you!! ▶️▶️▶️ Back in my time travel days, id be high in the sky of @envyrooftop1 enjoying the sunset views of cotton candy clouds in Medellin 😣 you never realize when a moment is about to become a memory … until it’s gone from beneath you xx but ive been making the best of it, and i send myself back into time travel of my glory days as needed Lololol!! Had too… im getting caught up in drama in Detroit; but that’s the standard right? Gotta work for what is right!! And what is deserved!! Happiness is key to positive influence in your life, and im sure a lot of people still wish I was down in South America for whats about to happen 😂 as im ruffling feathers over in the city to get my happiness in my homebase 👊 – Bad spot to be in sometimes, but my outcome will be victorious 🤩 please ; wish me luck for the next couple weeks… i will be pushing forward to keep my peace in the city. Watch me do it *snaps 💎💎💎#colombiana #timetravel #lifelessons

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