6 Must-Have Social Media Tactics


Social media will improve visibility for your brand, small business or organization.

Just a few things that you are capable of doing with social media marketing: You can identify your target audience, understand customer purchasing habits and engage users to participate in a conversation. Get to know your users on a more personable level by joining social media platforms that your audience is using. There is MUCH more, so please visit my blog daily for exclusive resources on social media.

Use these 6 Social Media Tactics to enhance your presence in the social media footprint.

1) Social Media Plan: Establish a social media marketing plan that discusses the business objectives, goals and a road map on how to get there. A social media plan can be simple – I would start with a 6 month road map that outlines the different programs to run each month. Examples of a programs could be Facebook advertising; or hosting a TweetChat or a video chat featuring a panel. These examples should be sprinkled throughout your roadmap for a successful strategy.

2) Social Media Audit: Identify what social media platforms your audience is using. Learn what posts have more reach, impressions and shares  so you can better understand what relevant content to post online. Understand who your top influencers are & discuss an opportunity for brand advocacy.

3) Social Media Engagement: I use the Pareto principle; which is the 80 / 20 rules. I post 80% content to engage with users, and 20% content that social sells my products and services. You want to turn your fans on by discovering what content is being interacted, engaged, clicked and shared. Use hashtags often so users can find your content.

4) Social Media Listening: Discover what users are saying about your brand. There are many social media listening tools to identify users by hashtag, location and filters. It is important to monitor the positive or negative comments. If you don’t monitor your brand; you are missing opportunities for feedback and sales.

5) Social Media Content Calendar: Create a 30 day calendar that lays out what will be posted on each social media channel. Having a content calendar will keep your team better organized. Adding special events such as TweetChats, advertisements, give-aways will remind you that those posts are in the time and should be promoted accordingly.

6) Social Media Statistics: Utilize reporting tools to measure the success of your business. Understand if the social media traffic is converting to website data. Incorporate Google Analytics into the backend of your website immediately. There is absolutely no better(FREE) analytical tool than Google Analytics. I recommend pulling a bi-weekly report on the success of your social media programs. Share this information with your team as a motivation – to go out there and share with their networks. Encourage the internal team to also tweet from their handles to increase visibility of the brand.

This article will be helpful in sourcing social media marketing tips for your current campaigns. Planning is the key to success. Stay consistent, stay persistent and stay focused on efforts for an effective social media strategy.

Still need assistance improving your social media presence, hire me as your social media consultant.