35 Social Media Tips To Enhance Brand Visibility

social media

Here is a short list of social media tips & social media opportunities to implement in your marketing plan. Set goals to tackle these one day a time!

35 Social Media Tips

1. Have a social media strategy in place - set business goals that are reachable!
2. Don't half-ass your social media plan - take the time to create a solid marketing program.
3. Create shareable content that others will engage - make it fun!
4. Make an editorial calendar to organize your posts
5. Stay consistent with your brand voice on each social media network #
6. Use a professional image or logo for your profile image & cover banner
7. Save time by scheduling content
8. Run an advertising campaign to boost your posts, gain new followers and more!
9. Participate in hashtags trends like #MotivationMonday #ThrowbackThursday --
10. Join a Twitter chat (like this one) to make new connections
11. Use relevant hashtags for a larger reach or impact of posts
12. Try new things -- join another social media platform! #
13. Set weekly goals on performance (new followers, customers, engagement)
14. Measure your success! Use reporting tools to understand how well you are performing online
15. Connect with other social media influencers - you are who you surround yourself with!
16. Use a social media listening program to learn more about what users are saying
17. Be creative by making a photo collage from Canva or Instagram
18. Add social media icons to your website so people can find you quicker
19. Use holidays to inspire new content ideas - #FathersDay #MothersDay etc
20. Be responsive - if a user comments or posts; respond in a timely manner
21. Scope out your competition - learn what they are doing / what is working
22. Host a contest on social media - give-away a product or service
23. Thank your followers with a personable message - let them be noticed
24. Create a video or live-stream for a more interactive approach to your brand
25. Invite your friends or family to your pages - ask them to share with their network
26. Fill in all the areas on your Facebook LIKE page - don't miss those opportunities
27. Develop a custom Facebook tab about your products, services or email sign up
28. Create a call to action - buy now or button to prompt an action
29. Cross promote on other social media platforms. Share Twitter to Instagram to FB
30. Find brand advocates - people who LOVE your brand just as much as you!
31. Participate as a panelist in a Twitter chat - grow your network
32. Add share-able widgets to your blog or website so users can easily share to their networks
33. Post content on a weekly basis until you get your groove!
34. Reply to others who are posting -- engage with new followers or interesting posts
35. Don't give up -- social media is an ever changing industry. Educate yourself on trends

If you are interesting in social media consulting to learn more about building your brand on social media, contact directly: hello@melissadivietri.com