There are no words from my sleep deprived night..

life of missydi

There are no words from my sleep deprived night.. thinking and feeling what the f is happening .. our friends and mates that are no longer able to communicate with us… all I imagine is a loud alarm whose siren is scary and vibrating. 🚨 this is war, u think it’s not going to affect u, ur living in a hole

Get yo ass on TW and see what you need to see because mass media is toxic and distracting!

We have responsibilities for human kind, and resources… world prayer and mercy for Ukraine 🇺🇦 yall need to sit down and reflect; people are out there with real life shit dropping.

In best interest to cancel your events, real talk- its a respectful and responsible moment .. or are you tone deaf? Whats the most important thing to focus on right now?

We live on this planet as one! This is exactly why I cant F w people that arent worldly, u never left the USA, u would never know anything behind your radius. Not an attack on anyone personally.. but my personal feelings on the insensitive to actions of getting lit and celebrate when theres a big fkn picture that you’re missing ..

And the cookie continues to shuffle, as ive seriously cutting off any ties that don’t understand the levels of this. You gotta go 🗑