Self Care Saturday 🌴

melissa divietri selfie

Spending this beautiful weekend with friends & family in Michigan. I forgot how lucky I am to be in Michigan during the summer; you cannot escape a single weekend without doing 100x things! Lake, sunbathing, poolside, grilling, duning, all of the above!

What is self-care?? I didnt know this was an actual thing that you do for yourself until my friends had an intervention that I need to take it down a notch.. and my stubborn butt was like…okay how?

Self care is when you take the TIME for yourself — no phone, work – whatever you have to do… to get some relaxation in your day or evening.

Summer Vacation?

No but some much – needed relaxation a few hours each day to focus on myself.

Repositioning My Business

And starting a new one!

Ask me about it!