Monday Motivation

Motivation Monday

It’s Monday — yes the Monday blues, right? Well not for this gal. I had some much-need relaxation in Northern Michigan. I spent the weekend traveling to the tip of the lower peninsula with some incredible people. We explored, discovered and had some delicious meals in Petoskey & Harbor Springs.

So today is Monday — get up, grind and go do something. Get as much done as you can today — so the rest of the week will fill out for you.

Set goals so you can look forward to knocking out things – one by one. Setting goals is important because you want to stay on the right path for success. Your goals do not have to be difficult – I actually encourage having an array of short & long term goals. Set yourself up for success: Remember that!

My goals change daily but here is my list for the week.

Week of Nov 9 Goals

  • Organize my art studio
  • Downsize winter clothes; donate what Im not wearing anymore
  • Clean out my car before it gets too cold this week
  • Save money by packing lunch everyday
  • Connect with local businesses
  • Blog everyday about something
  • Talk to someone that I don’t know
  • Go to a few art pop up shows
  • Chat with young professionals – students particularly
  • Photoshoot in Detroit this weekend
  • Visit with family in Jackson
  • Reach out to big brands
  • Arrange my TweetChat
  • Create a new playlist – livestream like the old days!
  • Paint SOMETHING!
  • Go to Royal Oak for a new dining experience
  • Schedule content in advance for my personal social media accounts

May seem like a lot of tasks for the week but I want to knock out as many as I can. As many of you know; I’m quite the over achiever so this will be easy. Stay motivated, stay ahead — be yourself and don’t worry about what everyone else is doing.

Motivation Monday


Now it’s your turn – set goals for the week. You can share them below.