Eat. Pray. Love. Bali

melissa divietri bali
melissa divietri bali

More than a year ago I was pinning myself up against the wall asking ‘what are you doing w life.’  .. I thought that I had it all… everything that Could make my life feel full- I had my dream apartment in the city of Detroit, a loyal boyfriend of 6 years while founding an international digital media agency ….which was taking off faster than I could handle.

I was desperately seeking change…my hearts beats faster when adrenaline kicks in. I could feel the day to day routine setting in. You know what I’m talking about — where you wake up, take a shower, have coffee, go to work, drive home and repeat. I felt exhausted when I witnessed the same things. I am a person who needs constant change to feel happy. I like having some sort of routine but that isn’t exciting to me.


I started searching for an “Eat Pray Love” type feels in travel… I found this beautiful little island called “Indonesia” –  I knew instantly that I could make some moves if I traveled here.l because it was so far away from everything.

Why did I pick Bali? I knew that no one could just pop up — it would take 3 airplanes to get to me. I wanted the satisfaction of running away to start over.. which I did, with absolute class.

It’s funny because people did tell me that I Was running away from my problems .. When in actuality, I am creating this incredible empire that i call my social media agency… made up of international friends and a portfolio of unique clients from different cultures and languages… this is my adrenaline. Bali is why i wake up everyday.. my island, my paradise, my getaway.

I am no longer available to everyone… i am specific on who i talk too.. what I do … what I want.. how i want to live my life

Being an international has opened an escape that has given me purpose. You learn to slow down in Bali… you have too. Its Bali time.

Things dont go as planned in this country. You might have to go to 5 atms before one will work… you may have to visit 7 different markets before you find that specific thing that yoive been seeking.. there could be a ceremony and that makes everything should be down on the island for prayer. You can’t predict the future when you live in Indonesia. Something always happens, I called the ways of life in Bali… Bali is showing you something, uncovering maybe something deep inside that u need to confront …you get these little moments or signals, which i call small gems that only people that have experienced these moments will know what I’m talking about.



Im learning things about myself, my life and my purpose that i mever thought was possible. If i look bavk to 10 years ago when i graduated high school, stressing on ‘what i want to do with my life,’ i could never imagine this was it. I would laugh and say — not possible.

I paid my dues by working in advertising agencies, going to university, hitting rock bottom while being broke as a joke .. to get to this level. Now everyday i think my life is incredible. I am excited to wake up to the rice paddies, scoot into the coworking space and explore the island. I cant wait to show you what im up too… shine on.