Bomber Jacket Design


I am sooo in design mode lately to improve my brand online and in – person… People have been remembering me around Medellin – the different cities that it encompasses.

I’m definitely thinking about designing a bomber jacket like the one that Carnage is wearing in this video. I’ve been addicted to bomber jackets for some time.. I have an idea for what I want it to look like.

This art board size as reference for the design on the back

This type of style; abstraction of course

I am going to paint a canvas at the art gallery; turn those swirls into an vectored art file using Adobe Illustrator. It will be real custom design using white / grey / black embroidery.

Just imagine something similar to this pattern

BooHoo Bomber Jackets

I already ordered a ton of these bomber jackets from previous; so I will probably do the same again. I am thinking of ordering in bulk tho; give to my girlfriends as gifts. My entourage of beautiful women.
link here

My Design Will Look Something Like This