Art Battle – Melissa DiVietri

melissa divietri art

Art Battle – Regional Champions for MidWest Division.
melissa divietri chicago

Flew into Chicago from Medellin — beautiful views

melissa divietri chicagomelissa divietri chicago

Inside The Event’s Location: Lagunita’s Brewery
melissa divietri artmelissa divietri artmelissa divietri art

Lagunita’s Brewery : Chicago

melissa divietri artmelissa divietri artistlagunitas brewery chicago

Travel Chicago

melissa divietri chicagomelissa divietri chicago

MissyDi Artist

I have been influenced by many people in my world lately – the give or take of real relationships. The insecurities of friends who get snap like a 2-second shake. Never in my life has someone told me to respect their space. You better watch your mouth before my lips start running. My art is being influenced by the daily hardships, relationships, and trust building. Its been a long time coming – I need to go back to my roots & show em how it’s done. #detroitmade #abstractartist – don’t mess me me, ever. you have 0 ideas on the amount of power I have in SMM. But I’m not pity… this painting was a two-hour meltdown of my feelings from a friend who thought it was appropriate to “call me out” on my friggin birthday. On my birthday – I do whatever I want first. and secondly, never disrespect a hustler – we don’t hold grudges but we certainly never forget. And lastly, I’m not a crazy– but my mind can act that way sometimes – please don’t give me a reason too. Let’s hope that we can find the beauty in this painting and not the emotion that I was holding from it. Follow my main brand > @missydi 💋

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