All in a day…

melissa divietri bali

Things must look to the bright side after the worst possible happens, right?

I am not a negative person by any means.. and I don’t like to complain about anything. I had the worst luck this morning while I was running on zero sleep. What I mean is… I fell asleep at 6AM BALI time after working a double last night. I was up working throughout the night because I had two calls back home in Michigan with clients. I had deadlines and strategy ideas to complete before their end of work day which is a 12 hour difference. I adjusted my sleeping schedule so that I could remain reliable and dependent on projects. I’m on my new sleep tip when I was startled by something all over my body..

So what happened?

I woke up to bed bug bits all over my neck and back. It was f***king awful. These little things are fast, gross and hard to feel when they bite you. It doesn’t feel like a real bite. I must have been pretty exhausted to not feel them eat my body alive. I opened my computer to look up what a bed bug looks like and they were crawling over the screen and keys. I just had my laundry done this week… so I doubt there will be a refund or opportunity to clean everything. I threw all of my clothes in a garbage bag hoping to kill them thru suffocation. I got up, got dressed and checked my emails. I coordinated a shopping day in Seminyak with the group today. I was not about to cancel this trip because of little bites, I wore a tshirt to cover up the red marks. I put a lot of effort into my planning so saddle up and move on!

Time to go SHOPPING!

Who doesn’t love a splurge on clothes, souvenirs and all sorts of trinkets? Buy things that you know you don’t need but it looks good on a mannequin, so it MUST look good on you?
melissa divietri BALI

My new friends from California shopped for hours with me~! We literally shopped until we dropped.. well at least I did. I walked into a store and my crutch went directly thru a hole in the ground. Who The F* has random large holes in the ground that go into the river or some water structure? It was bad, I thought my arm was broken because it felt so heavy and I fell hard to the cement. Well to my distress.. this beefy man with tattoos all over his arms and chest came running to me. He pulled me up before I could even ask for help. It was another guardian angel moment.. they follow me everywhere. Thank you -beautiful, beefy man who pulled me from the ground with all my shopping bags scattered across the entrance. You’re my hero.

It was one of our friend’s birthdays tonight and we had a fancy dinner to celebrate his big day! I mean, come on.. we are eating good here! I wasn’t going to head back to the hotel because of a few bruises.. we had things to do, people to see and money to spend! Look at this food:

Eating well out here #foodie

A video posted by Melissa DiVietri (@missydi) on

Bad luck rolls in three?

Yes… the bad luck didn’t end with those moments addressed above.. However, again – it didn’t ruin my night. My credit card and debit card stopped working because of potential fraudulent charges. I’ve been using these cards for 3 weeks along with notice to the bank that I was traveling to Indonesia. I physically went into Huntington Bank before I left the country to note the accounts, followed up with a phone call and been in this country using it for 3 weeks. People need to get it together. I spent 2 hours using Google Voice to straighten it out.. so hopefully it is all situated. I was only upset because we couldn’t get money for our cab tonight and that put us in a rut to get back home. Always an adventure.

Just be happy with what you have

You can’t predict the future and there’s really no point in being upset about things that you are uncontrollable.

  • Could I control the beg bugs all over my body this morning?
  • Could I control my crutch going thru a hole in the ground almost breaking my arm?
  • Could I control my credit card stop working out of nowhere? No.. I can’t.. and I’m OK with that.

I had an excellent evening shopping with friends followed by a fancy dinner in Seminyak. We topped off the end of the evening with drinks overlooking the streets for perfect people watching.. and I’m wrapping up my evening on my blog and client projects. Back on the grind tomorrow for my social media session at the coworking spaceI can’t wait to wear one of my new outfits that I bought in Seminyak today ^_^ #hail