Monday Motivation – You Can Do It; If You Set Your Mind Right

melissa divietri

Monday Motivation – If you can dream it – you can DO it. There’s no dream TOO small or challenge too much for you – Maybe you wont get it done on the first try; but who says success comes easy? Pick yourself back up – and go at it it again; so many stop at the first step of taking risks.

Monday has always been my favorite day of the week; sets the standards for how all the other puzzle pieces will fall into place while the week rolls out.

Throwback to my 360 view of my 2nd art gallery in Poblado while Im slaying on the canvas during a live art & music performance. Who says any of this was easy? To coordinate, plan and prepare an entire gallery… But look – we did it.

Thinking about all the art that I need to distribute in Medellin — perhaps my outreach to hostels or airbnbs would want to hang some pieces… taking the time to build those lists to make a good proposal. Cant just give it ALL away.

With help of my family in Colombia and friends from Venezuela and Argentina; yall made it happen for me. Coming at ya, from the mountains of Medellin… if you need some artwork to hang in your studio or hostel / hotel – gimme a shout, escribes; porfavor! We have 30+ pieces that need a home to enjoy!!

some music for you to enjoy while you read this

Stay focused, so many people will see you shine and try to bring you down. But keep your eyes on the prize.

melissa divietri medellin

Use your resources! And your hands.

melissa divietri medellin


Learn Spanish – You need to have the language to get resources and make business.

melissa divietri medellin
melissa divietri medellin

Make friends in the business where you want to work! MUSIC ART CREATIVES

melissa divietri medellin

Find the beauty in your surrounds; Medellin!


Comuna 13

Gonna Be A Good One 👀

Gonna be a good one 👀 See y’all tomorrow in Comuna 13 🫠🫠 please pray for good weather, it’s been tropical storming for hours – muy triste.   View this post on Instagram   A post shared by MissyDi (@missydi)

melissa divietri vivaair

Vivaair Is Accountable for Their Actions

Part 1: Vivaair breaks my medical device for walking 🚶‍♀️ 31 days and still no agreement is made   Part 2: VivaAir steals & breaks my handicap medical device for walking 🤬😡😶‍🌫️   Part 3: Vivaair is trash 🗑 no reply to withholding my walking device! 🤬🥶🤬   Part 4: No response or resolution from […]

abstract art

From the archives 🔒

From the archives 🔒 My Medellin collection is available for showcase or sale. Send a DM or contact @liquidweb View this post on Instagram A post shared by Missydi Artist Page (@missydi_artist)

abstract art

Soooo much love in these paintings in Medellin! 🇨🇴

Soooo much love in these paintings in Medellin! 🇨🇴 Looking for a new home! #abstractart View this post on Instagram A post shared by Missydi Artist Page (@missydi_artist)

medellin views

I am Motivated by my surroundings

Switched up apartments in Medellin for higher views 😍 I am Motivated by my surroundings