What I Wish More People Knew About Me – Part 2


Maybe I Could Be The Most Outrageous Person That You Will Ever Meet?

Do you ever pre-judge someone before you actually get to know them? Think about it. It’s only in our human nature to automatically stereo type someone by how they act, dress, walk, talk or even what they do. Just don’t do that, ok? Take the time to listen to people’s needs and learn from one another. One thing I want to strongly encourage is to make as many friends and impressions that you can. Everyone has a story and a beautiful at that.. so take the opportunity to make a difference on other people’s day.

Don’t you wish you could tell people what you wish they knew about you? Maybe a secret or a story that you don’t know how to tell anyone because you may be judged or thought differently.. Well, the truth is.. I like listening and getting to know people. I have a lot of friends because I treat people respectively & encourage others to follow their inspirations.

As you may have read in my past blog posts, I wrote a beautiful article that expressed what I wish more people knew about me. I jotted down a few things that came to mind and explained a bit about it each one. In case you need a refresher, here is the Part One – http://melissadivietri.com/2011/07/15/i-wish-more-people-knew-about-me/

Almost three years have passed since I wrote that blog post and well… things have changed. I’ve juggled many obstacles that really changed my perspective on life. I’ve had surgeries to reconstruct my body, dealt with many evictions from debt and found happiness in the love of art & music. Now that I am approaching graduation from university, I have to decide what opportunities are best for me.

I am an old soul, I’ve lived a long – life.. every single day, something happens. Something of significance. I understand empathy and maintain a classy attitude when it comes to being serious.

I saw things in my life that will forever traumatize my well-being. From surgeries to adoptions, from changing schools to not being accepted in high school by my peers. I’ve been stabbed in the back by people who I thought were my friends and cared about me AND I’ve gained valuable friendships from college relationships and grinders who are going places.

I learned how to love my body by looking into mirrors again. For the longest time, I would never walk past a full length mirror and actually look at myself because I am different. I do use crutches to walk, but does that actually affect my able body to continue a healthy mindset? Absolutely, not. Sometimes, I don’t even feel like anything is wrong until an idiot points it out. I feel bad when I make a remark or a gesture that basically says, “I see what you did, I know what you did, and now — shame on you.” and it completely scars them, I have a mouth — my bark is much worse than my bite!

I found a true love, passion and hobby that I look forward to progressing. I enjoy listening and dancing to music. I like to create things with my hands. My hands are powerful; they host a lot of memories. From crawling to walk and finally grasping crutches to swing my body from one hop to the next.

I just can’t stop.. I don’t have a choice. I must continue to capture my dreams because I will not make excuses. Other individuals can go through problems that will forever scar them. There is absolutely no excuses in life. Just follow your faith in God & live your dreams like there is no tomorrow. I call myself an old soul because I have lived more than 20 persons lifetimes and I am only the age of 25. I feel like I could leave tomorrow and still feel accomplished about the experiences I have developed. Life makes sense to me. I understand people and their needs. I can adapt to any diverse community & still feel welcome. I make people feel like they have worth, because they do.. you do.

So here I am, going at it again — just a collection of some things that you may or may not even knew about me.

What I Wish More People Knew About Me – Part Two

1. Lover Not A Fighter — Although I have a hard-hat attitude that fights for a healthy mindset each day, I am 100% lover. The most sweet, caring, loving person you may ever meet in your lifestyle. I put others before myself & take pride in making people smile. I open my heart to people and bless them with inspiration & motivation. I listen and provide healthy advice (if necessary). I act like a brat because I have to deal with so many ridiculous obstacles. I sincerely apologize if you take my attitude to offense.

2. Abstract Artist – I love art! Being creative is important for your imagination! I mix colors, photos, media and globs of widgets that I find when roaming around. I love oil painting & wax painting! I wish I could paint all day.

3. Ambitious, are we? — My goal in life is to open & maintain an artist studio / gallery where I can paint anytime of the day & make graphics/websites for small business owners. Woooaaah, feels different to finally say it OUTLOUD! I want to open art galleries/ design studios!

4. Music Festivals — Because people ‘think’ that since I maintain a classy image online that I don’t get down at parties/raves/festivals. Well.. you can find me right in the thick of all of it!  I attend musical festivals with over 50,000+ people who enjoy music & art collectively in one space. I wear costumes, body paint people, give away my art and decorate peoples campsites. I like being surrounded by a lot of energy and many new faces! I would live in a world where I could be around thousands of people a day.. I hope to make each one of them smile too!

Melissa DiVietri

5. Solo Dolo — Sometimes, I miss being single and not having to worry about upsetting my significant other. There are many times where I do not think about how my actions will affect the opinion of my boyfriend because I am a free spirit. I feel like I drift away a lot, like the world for a few days and finally come back to reality. Hard to explain, but I do my daily routines for me.. not for the world.
6. The Scene — I am heavy in the Detroit Scene > music, art & business. A lot of people in Metro Detroit know who I am — whether my graphics, art or business sense — people are talking. The scene is important because it expresses who is active in helping Detroit and who is social. As a very social person, I travel 3+ hours every weekend to maintain my image in the scene.

7. Life in a suitcase — If I didnt have so many “responsibilities” – I would pack everything that I could in one (or two) suitcases and leave.. I have always wanted to move every few months because I LIKE CHANGE. Culture & different atmospheres is GOOD FOR YOU. I would start out west in California and move to the east in New York. I would go to every major city to enjoy art galleries, people and new experiences.

8. Secret Passions — in a perfect world, I would be a mentor and motivational speaker to thousands of young minds. I would quit my full time job to speak at high schools about diversity & the importance of education.

9. Foster – Care — yeah.. the cat is out of the bag, I was adopted… Multiple times, actually. I had to see therapists and visit random doctors in Traverse City that discussed my behavior. I read one of the notes that a doctor made, he said that I became hysterical anytime someone entered the room & I wouldn’t stop crying. I can remember tiny bits of the therapy, but I do not know what it feels like to cry anymore. I cried all the time when I was growing up going through the transitions. It takes a lot of effort to get under my skin to make my emotions go unbalanced..

10. Most importantly, I do want to walk — I am extremely jealous of able-bodied individuals who take walking for granted. I really want to walk; I try so hard to make it possible too! I work out, attend physical therapy and do cardio stretches. I will continue fighting against my own body to build enough strength to walk, one day. I have no ability to move my knees, toes, feet.. it can be depressing. I will do it, I have faith.

I am blessed to have these experiences.. now go out there & make some memories too!

There are many things that I wish more people knew about me but this will get your mind going to think.. what do you wish more people knew about YOU?