This is about me, it’s about time…

Melissa DiVietri

I’ve been reflecting or thinking, alot of about my life – what I really want to do, who I really want in my life and what I want to accomplish. I set goals on the daily, weekly and monthly basis but lately I have not been making those ambitions.

I started asking myself, “am I happy?”

The answer should be yes but I am not satisfied where I’m at in my career. But am I really trying to make it with a company or continue running my own biz?

There;s so many questions but never enough time to figure it all out. I’m just taking it day by day.. I’m serious.

+ I reach out to companies on a daily basis. I’ve been honing into companies whose mission I believe it and ethical love their products and services.
+ I want to be remembered as the social media influencer on the ground floor for Detroit
+ I strive to continue traveling and doing it for free.


I am realizing as an entrepreneur, I can do what I want with myself. I can work for whoever I want too and make decisions based on what is best for me. I want to be successful.. I’m dying to make a difference and its up to me — to do it. Whether that’s spending hours researching new biz or maximizing my social media network. Who knows.. but tonight – it’s crunch time. I’m on my hustle every single day, and when I find others who are as passionate as I am – it will truly make a difference in my attitude.

It starts here.


xoX – MissyDI