Opening Day Tigers


Detroit Art

I love creating beautiful abstractions that represent things that I am really passionate about in life. Detroit Art is one of my favorite styles of painting. Everybody who loves the city of Detroit also loves their Detroit Tigers Baseball Team!

This is called encaustic wax painting which is the process of heating of beeswax and using a palette knife or paint brush to apply to the MDF board. I heat up between 6 to 9 colors before I begin working on a project to ensure that I have enough color to mesh into my project.

Detroit Art

Here are few behind-the-scenes photos of my experience during the creative process:
Encaustic Painting

Materials Needed:
Hot Plate
Heat Gun
Clay Sculpting Tools
Oil Paint
Paper Towel
Working Space

Encaustic Wax Painting

A unique approach to the artistic minds uses encaustic wax painting.

Encaustic Painting

I will feature a Detroit Style Showcase this summer featuring my acrylic paintings, oil painting, digital art reproductions and wax paintings. Please check back for the showcase dates!