How I Won an iPad on Twitter


How ONE Tweet Scored Me A BRAND NEW iPad

It pays off to send value added tweets.. I entered a contest that I found on Twitter. The contest was to tweet about one obstacle that you are facing right now … I put myself out there, didnt think anyone would see.. and BOOM! I actually won the entire contest for a BRAND NEW iPad!

I was a young buck — my sophomore year at university when I accepted an internship position for an automotive agency in Irvine / Costa Mesa, California. This was the opportunity that I was waiting for.. as a young, hungry entrepreneur – I needed my resume to STAND out.. this was my chance. I was going to work on the digital media team with influential media planners & directors. I couldn’t sleep for days I was so excited.

The hiring manager, Alison confirmed my position and had provided 7 days to secure the housing and make it to the agency. She wanted me to come in before her bacherolette party in Miami. The only this was, I didn’t have anywhere to live and I still had to take my final exams. I worked it out with my professors to take my exams early, pack up my apartment & buy that ONE way plane ticket. I was going to continue at Ferris State University when I returned so my landlord provided a prorated monthly rent so I didn’t have to move my entire life out of the apartment before going to California (one blessing).

So my tweet was something like, “I’m on a plane to California with an amazing career opportunity, no place to live but I’m determined to make it! #Detroit to #Cali!

Free IPad
Look at my California Tan!!! haha MISS THAT

The Back Story of the Tweet

  • I didnt have housing confirmed before leaving Michigan, yikes
  • My financial aid fell through WHILE I was on the airplane to California
  • I was wearing sweatpants, sweater when I left rainy, hail storm Detroit & it was 80 degrees in California, I fainted when I arrived (dammit)
  • Uber wasnt around, so I had to pay for a cab to drop me off at a coffee shop to secure housing
  • I was only making an intern wage.. in expensive Cali.

The financial aid department at Ferris State University called during my overlay to California to inform that my funds did not make it to my bank account. I earned a 4k scholarship that was going towards an internship class (3 credits) and any left over would go towards my travel to California; first month rent etc.

The Printing Management degree was in the transition of being moved from Engineering to Marketing to become Graphic Media Management. My advisor did not finalize my status for the degree or whatever wishy washy crap the financial aid was trying to say.. anyways I didn’t BUY it. Ferris State University wanted me to COME BACK to Michigan before I even arrived in California, ridiculous that you cant do your job over the internet right? Everything has to be done in person when it comes to money.

My advisor was on his way to Germany for a study abroad trip which made it difficult to contact him. I was disgruntled… two reasons: I accepted an internship at The Garage Team Mazda – this was ONE my first time traveling across the nation taking a chance. Second reason — I didn’t have a place to stay.

After emailing the President of the University, CC’ing the financial aid department, my advisor and every other individual who needed to be involved – my story broke through. I was able to have another advisor take control of the situation and make it right. (blessing two) This was a HUGE opportunity for me and I wasn’t going to give up on my way to California. Not when I made it this far.

SO What Happened

When I arrived in California at the coffee shop, I scouted Craigslist (scary)– two international students agreed to have me.. Thank goodness that worked out. (blessing three) Although the internship was $10 per hour, I had to take the job to gain this experience and make connections!! I was going to ride & grind everyday! #LifeofMissyDI … and so I did, I would go back in a heart beat.

I am touched that my ONE tweet about moving to California with no where to live, no money and a heart full of dreams was ENOUGH to earn this beautiful iPad. It pays to TAKE RISKS!

Melissa DiVietri Cali
Melissa DiVietri Cali

Oh I loved that iPad… they sent it from the agency in New York. It was very convenient to travel, sync all of my applications and use as a conference device. Although on my first day in the new apartment in California, I dropped my phone in JUICE! So I had to take 3 buses to get a new iPhone. It would have been a blessing to have the iPad on DAY ONE haha.. but it was fate to figure out where I was and how to get around.

I gave my 16 year old niece a list of tasks to do around my home office and condo.. She completed the tasks in 3 days.. I allowed her to keep this iPad because I knew it would benefit her in highschool. This iPad is going strong!

If you ever need advice on how to find opportunities on social media, please connect @missydi