Motivation For 2014
“May your coming year be filled with magic & dreams with good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you’re wonderful, and dont forget to make some art- write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And I hope, somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself” – Neil Gaiman

Bring in 2014 with an epic approach to marketing yourself. Brand your identity & put yourself out there!
+Take Risks
+Be Yourself
+Do What Makes You Happy
+Stay Creative <3
Happy New Year! Bring it on 2014! Out here w my music family
Top TEN Long-Term Goals For 2014
1. Acceptance into graduate school for Interactive Media Design
2. Study-Abroad Summer 2014
3. Graduate with Bachelors in Graphic Media MGMT – May 2014
4. Open Art Gallery/Studio
5. Sell More Promotional Items & Artwork ONLINE (
6. Stay close with loved ones
7. Travel around the world (again)
8. Attend more conferences & conventions
9. Sleep MORE
10. Motivate others & become that good influence
Main goal for 2014: Bring something fresh to Detroit/// something never before-seen.. an art/music agency with talented creatives who are hungry for opportunities. Build a community of influencers~