Finding my own R&R

melissa divietri spain

Bouncing around Airbnbs in Barcelona has been exhausting and expensive. I took the liberty to travel north of the city to find some relaxation to improve my productivity. There has been many new changes in my life – each week, I feel like I am growing a year because of the obstacles & hurdles.. So I want to get you up to speed:

melissa divietri spain
– I sold all of my belongings in my apartment in Detroit — leaving everything
– I hopped a plane to Europe – starting in Amsterdam and now making my way to Spain
– I have a million opportunities and people that I can work with so I am picking and choosing what clients that I want in my porfolio
– I hired / fired a handful of contractors on Upwork to delegate tasks that I cannot committ
– I found a beautiful Airbnb online that I committed two weeks – and possibly longer
– I am steering my business into a more consulting role & taking on heavy automation with my SMM channels
– Starting to reach out to more people for “help” and speaking with online therapists via Skype and chat – I use this service TalkSpace – and found that it’s really nice to have an outlet especially in my current situation
– Blogging is one of the most accomplished things that I can own and I dont do it very often anymore. Everyone seems to take. take. take from me but never give – so I’m working on myself and using my blog to be a better outlet for it
– Remote working is a curse and a blessing – I can open my computer from any location and boom — im online and ready to go.. But it;s a curse because Im becoming too comfortable with my surrounds at times.

Well that is my 30 second touch base –what are some things that are you working on? Leave a comment with what you are working on — in your business, life or whever you are in the world