Big Changes Are Coming To Detroit

Detroit MI

Everywhere you go — there are orange cones, signage and detours. I walk down Woodward Avenue being inspired by the renovation & new businesses that fill empty buildings / lots.

As a social media marketer, it is important to learn the business owners in your community. If the business needs a boost on Google or a refresh on their social media handles; they should know that my agency can handle it. I travel a different route everyday so I can get to know businesses that I haven’t talked to yet – learn about their products / services. After awhile, I am greeted by the same business owners as I stroll down the avenue.

It feels good.
Detroit feels good.
Big changes are coming.

Now that the sun is shining – the city reminds me of a busy New York. I’ve never seen this many different groups of people out. I’m thinking they are curious to try a new place to eat or just enjoy the atmosphere of a city coming back to life.

I like to sit outside (as often as I can) so I can people watch and enjoy the weather. I will keep you updated as more changes come to the city.