Industry Event in California


My last week at the Garage was a big bang. I attended an industry event that was sponsored by Autotrader.

Out in Cali -- Living it up

The seminar was fabulous, right on a cliff by the ocean. The scenic going to the event was absolutely breath-taking. The pastel painted houses, beautiful palm trees and ocean mist that made my heart melt to the bottom of my stomach. California really touched my life this summer, I will never forget any of my experiences, ‘my summer internship in sunny California.

The drive to the event

Can you imagine attending industry events, such as Autotraders, each year? Oh, its fantastic!…The real-world knowledge in a digital environment and people you network during the event; I couldn’t ask for a better last week in Cali!

California SceneryCalifornia Scenery
California SceneryCalifornia Scenery

Melissa DiVietri California

I can’t expose too much  from the seminar but I will direct you to the Google these keywords to find more | August 7, 2012 – Autotrader

California is Gorgeous!
California is Gorgeous!