Millennials in the Workplace


What are Millennials really looking for in a job?

The mindset of today’s 20 and early 30-somethings have given rise to human-centered technologies that are transforming the way we live and work.

Questions that will be asked – new questions may be added during the video chat. Feel free to send a tweet
Q1: What are millennials seeking in a job?
Q2: Why is work life balance important for millennials?
Q3: What opportunities can your business offer to millennials?
Q4: Why type of technology do you have to adapt to this generation?
Q5: How can your business foster the connection between millennials and the older work type?
Q6: How are you attracting millennials to work for your business?
Q7: How will you motivate millennials to stay at your business?

Subscribe for this week’s video chat – feel free to volunteer as a panelist!

Thursday, November 19, 2015
Join Us! Tweet to @Missydi