Medellin Has Changed Me…

melissa divietri medellin

Traveling has changed my entire thought process and outlook on life. When I started to professionally travel, I was growing as a person – I am not the same as I once was.. things that I thought were important; I don’t care about anymore. Things that I didn’t realize existed; are now the front layer of what I want to do in life… help as many people as I can. Change their outlook on life, forever.

I arrived in Medellin, Colombia during the first week of March – it was another spontaneous trip to get away from my routines in Detroit, MI.. my home base / headquarters. I am traveling many countries in South America for the next few months.. and then, I will be back in Bali for the rest of the year.

How is the trip so far? I am almost one month into the trip; and I can’t tell you the South American feels that I am getting from this place. I’ve only explored Medellin; really I think that’s all I need right now because there’s so much to see and do. The restaurants, coffee shops, shopping, people, parties and atmosphere; Medellin is unlike any city that I have ever been too.

Top of the mountain

The moment you leave the downtown area; you are presented with a different outlook on lifestyle, trust and family. I am surrounded by beautiful people -dark skin with deep, dark eyes — everyone speaks Spanish; not much English. From the north side to the south side; the people are so warm – hearted yet helpful.

You know which side of the mountain you are on; the poverty speaks for itself. Individuals that are living $1 to $1 each day – with hustle to get to and from places to make a living for their families. They are living in these run-down house like slums or comunas. It hurts to watch because I know most of these homes are without electricity or internet. Some do not have roofings, windows, and basic safety for a comfortable lifestyle.

Not everything is going to be bliss: I feel bad for the individuals who cant contribute to society; the homeless who smoke the shit of the shit of the shit. The absolute worst thing you can snort or smoke here; they scrap brick powder of the homes and miz with this other shit that breaks their noses down when they take it.

– I cant handle watching the homeless dogs scrap for food.
– I can’t handle watching the children stand in the street to beg for money because the education system is failing them.
– I can’t watch the young girls exploit themselves because they have no option for money or work.

Many dangerous things are happening in Colombia but yet – that is also happening in the rest of the world, but whose talking about it? I feel helpless because I can’t do anything about.. but I will try. Damn right I will try. I am pivoting myself, my lifestyle and my business to be focused on life.

Life is the most important thing to me > you only get one body.. one skin.. one life. I’m not wasting mine, so let’s rise up together to make others feel good about theirs too.

I am changing… for the better.

Faster than I expected; although I know that I can’t save the world;(what people continue pounding in my head). I am using my social media talent, motivation and drive to make a difference by putting myself out there. It’s more than 90% of what others would do.

The world is only clear if u see it that way.. getting lost in South America 🙏🏻✈️ #travel #colombia

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I love my career but is it fulfilling my needs as a human being?

I am a powerhouse when it comes to marketing – especially social media and online marketing. My clients are real big brand names in the game plus my team is on point to fulfill the needs of our clients. I mean – this is the life that people would dream of. I built an empire that I am now sitting on.. watching it unfold fast and business grow quickly.

I’m starting to see a different side of me. I’m not that hungry, young entrepreneur that I once was 10 years ago when I first started in the biz. I paid my dues; I worked in corporate, agency life and for shit clients; and many times for free or minimum wage.

I am financially stable, for once, and I believe that God has the right path for me… I dont think that path is for me to help others make money. I am destined to understand that my path is to help others — I can feel it in my gut.

The People of The World — They Are My Children

If I dont start getting focused and make shit happen; I am going to be sulking around each country wishing that I did things differently.

So where do I start?

  • Do I negotiate client contracts for a better work / life balance?
  • Should I create a plan of action to influence countries with poverty?
  • Do I visit more families in comunas to understand their lifestyle?
  • Should I survey the frustrations in Colombia and tackle them one-by-one?

I dont have the answer to these questions; which is why I am lost. Traveling to Colombia has been the most eye-opening experience of my life. This country has brought attention and awareness to basic lifestyle items that people are without. I’m a bit depressed about it; it’s because I care. I care for these people and I barely know them.

Can you imagine the power that I hold — just by writing a blog or creating a social media campaign on the things that I see? The power is endless; instrumental and beneficially to the community.

I feel like I have to get back out there

I need to throw on an away message on my email and just do it. I am not traveling across the world, spending $$$$ dollars and waiting for things to happen. I have to make it happen… I am that person. I am in Colombia right now and I will not regret it later.


Are you with me?  -xx Mel