Just Another Life Lesson

melissa divietri

The weather is freezing, there’s ice on the ground and I’m going through a major transition with my career. I’ve finally decided to steer back into an exciting industry; something that keeps me downtown Detroit. I promote the city so much on my blog and my social media accounts – that it just makes sense. The city is what makes me happy — it is what makes my heart skip a beat. And for those of you who are actively participating in Work / Play / Live Detroit – meaning always making moves downtown; than you know that the heart beat in Detroit is more alive than ever. I’m very excited about my next endeavors because my career has grown tremendously.

“Working hard for something we don’t care about is called stress. Working hard for something we love is called passion

stay motivated
stay motivated

I’m told by few that I’m too passionate and it can come off in the wrong way.. I’m told by many that they are inspired by my passion. So who do I listen too? Clearly which ever way the scale tips; which is follow my passions. Feedback on some social media profiles — NOW this is what I live for.. TO make people happy, inspire them by my strength and my creativity that unleashes my passion. They are so open with me because I wear my heart on my sleeve.. Here are two comments that I’ve grabbed quickly from people whom I do not know in person but they have been following my blog.

passion 1
passion 1
passion 2
passion 2

I won’t be able to provide all of the details on my career endeavors because I’m entertaining offers. My back is not up against the wall; I do not have to pick something that I haven’t thought more about. I’m going to wait for the right opportunity to cross my path so I do not make the wrong decisions. I don’t want to repeat the past because the future is all that I’m worried about. Life has this weird way of putting you into situations that you have to face – head strong. This is just a test of my faith in God that he has the steering wheel and that everything will be okay. I’m not struggling for money – I’m actually a bit busy right now covering evening events and side projects like website development, social media contracts and graphic designs. I am a night owl – I like that about myself… mornings suck. I don’t know why I wake up at 6:30AM to do my hair and makeup. I’ve never been that type of girl who cared how I look but I do care about how I am presented to other people so maybe that is why I do it. I’ve been creating tutorials on eye makeup- another side gig that I am doing on the weekends for my sister, who is a MaryKay consultant. I’ve been getting so good that makeup companies have been reaching out to send me makeup so I will create a tutorial. I’ve only created 3 tutorials so far — so this is an epic moment. Here is a 0:15 sec Instagram video featuring the latest makeup tutorial – Gold / Brown for Blue Eyes Video. DO I really know what I want to do? No, I’ve never known- — every since high school.. and it’s funny because I conduct motivational speeches for high school students and they think I have the best life / job ever – always on the go, working on cool brands and so on. But the truth is, you can move & shake – you don’t have to stay with the same company for years and years. It’s not a bad thing if you do.. I give my parents props.. major props. My dad has been a barber for more than 50 years – which is tremendous.. and my mom worked at the high school for over 30 years before going to a different position at another school.

What would be the dream job? Tweet & Travel.. no fer real. I should seriously reconnect with Sir Richard Branson of Virgin Airlines. I’m sure his marketing team would love to hear what I have to say. I blew their socks off when they came into town last July to announce the first one way trip from London to Detroit — – called #HelloDetroit social media campaign. Traveling, blogging and tweeting would be the ideal job. TO discuss how it feels to be a disabled person that has limitations to travel.

I believe that everything happens for a reason.. I truly do. SO stay tuned on my blog to find out what happens next.


xoxox MissyDI