Launch is soon

Launch is soon

Well… another throwback in preparation of the documentary launch next week. I went to university for 9 tears as a non traditional student.. and anyone who remembers UNI days — back in good old Big Rapids, Michigan for middle of nowhere lol sorry you know its true tho.. >> Ferris State when we posted in the Mac & Music Labs until 3, 4, 5AM to get our grind on.. Still crawling into the Business Building after working part-time jobs — in the snow, rain, ice >> I will certainly not forgot when exam time came…. when we gave the janitors food and goodies to let us stay in the labs until the hours of the night to perfect our design & music projects and still be in the lab at 8am when class started. Thank you RW – for catching the photo and sending me back to when we had nothing except hustle on our minds.. oh wait, we still doing it !! LOL 🖤🖤💣💣 OOOF!! The 1% – you either have the itch, or you don’t. <3


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Well.. another throwback in preparation of the documentary launch next week. I went to university for 9 tears as a non traditional student.. and anyone who remembers UNI days — back in good old Big Rapids, Michigan for middle of nowhere lol sorry you know its true tho.. >> Ferris State when we posted in the Mac & Music Labs until 3, 4, 5AM to get our grind on.. Still crawling into the Business Building after working part time jobs — in the snow, rain, ice >> I will certainly not forgot when exam time came…. when we gave the janitors food and goodies to let us stay in the labs until the hours of the night to perfect our design & music projects and still be in the lab at 8am when class started. Thank you RW – for catching the photo and sending me back to when we had nothing except hustle on our minds.. oh wait, we still doing it !! LOL 🖤🖤💣💣 OOOF!! The 1% – you either have the itch, or you dont. <3

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