Featured Questions – Social Media Panel

social media sponsors
social media program giveaway

Social Media Panel – Detroit

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Manage Your Social Media Presence Efficiently – Topic

  1. Before developing an online presence, what are the steps you recommend taking to create a social strategy?
  2. What are goals that you aim to achieve using social media?
  3. How do you define your brand voice and should it be consistent across multiple networks?
  4. How do you engage and communicate with your followers?
    1. Do you practice social media listening?
  5. What topics and source of information are most important to your followers?
    1. How often should you post content?
  6. Describe a successful social media campaign and how it improved visibility to your brand or company?
  7. What are the importance of using hashtags?
  8. Do you pay attention to what your competitors are doing?
  9. How do you measure ROI and define success with your social strategy?
  10. What advice can you give to encourage other businesses to use social media?
  11. Name some companies who are doing social media right?


RSVP:ย http://www.eventbrite.com/e/social-media-panel-detroit-tickets-24759249582

There will be a LIVE Stream – follow @missydi

Motor City Brewery Works



Thank you, Motor City Brewery Works for the beverage sponsorship. LIKE their Facebook page to say “thanks”


Thank you to our social media sponsors!ย 

social media sponsors
social media program giveaway

The event sold out — I’m still pushing on LinkedIn
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