Instagram Tool – Instagress


Instagram Tool – Instagress

Grow your following on Instagram by establishing parameters on your target audience.

1. Set up an account at Instagress
2. Connect your IG profile and utilize the free 3-day trial
3. Try the different features available

Instagress will display your name along with a timer that displays when the program is running or not running. Select on / off for following, unfollowing, comments or LIKES.
Instagram Tool

Create your own custom comments that will display on photos / images.
Instagram Tool

Select the following source – whether you want to follow photos or video.. or both!

Instagram Tool

Discover which hashtags are relevant to the following you want to develop. After you start typing the hashtag, analytics will be displayed on the reach (impressions).

Instagram Tool


Pick the location of the followers you want to accumulate.

Instagram Tool


Instagress is a great tool if you are looking for a specific audience on Instagram. If you want to target users based on hashtag, relevancy & location … this is the tool for you!