Social Media Consultation

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social media management

Maintaining a business can become a difficult, time-consuming position where social media can easily be left behind.

Purpose of Social Media Management: Marketing on social platforms can be essential to drive traffic while improving search engine optimization. When you Google your business or brand, typically 50% or more of the search results on the first page are social media. Social Media and Search goes hand in hand. Your social media strategy should have the right message to relay to users that convert them into paying customers. This social media strategy should be in tune with your brand reputation.

Social Media Consultation

Social Media Consultation

Discussing tactics that you are currently using on social media = what is working, what is not working and what areas need improvement. This conference can be completed over phone or screenshare.

Marketing Plan for Social Media:

Focus on the quality of your followers, not the quantity: Social media influence matters on multiple levels. It can be better engagement with customers and also a sign of advanced skills to create interesting social media content.

(Programs) Topsy: measures influence based on topic keyword to see who is considered an expert in the subject.
Twazzup: Utilize social media listening practices to find users talking about your content / brand.
Hootsuite, Tweetdeck, SocialBro, WeLink, Buffer and many more!

Post interesting content regularly: Content marketing will educate, inform and entertain customers by creating attention that results in leads, sales or advocacy. This communication will result in leads, sales and conversation.

(Program) curated content that is relevant to the industry to post via social media platforms. Buffer, HuffingtonPost, LinkedIn articles are just a few to name.

social media management
Don’t focus on implementing all social media channels: Identify where  customers spend their time online, asking what customers want to see and where do they find it. Convert followers into paid customers: Transform social media followers into customers that will generate followers, leads and sales.

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