I haven’t worn makeup in about 7 days; and I’m totally cool with it.


I haven’t worn makeup in about 7 days; and I’m totally cool with it. I’m in turn down, preparation mode, before all the things pop up.. and my birthday sneaking around the corner.

I’m taking tomorrow as a personal day ; to embrace the journey and catch up on house chores. I need my house to look tidy… – ish.

I’ve always told myself that I deserve better; but better than what exactly? Once I get thru ONE thing, another pops up like a never ending maze. I’m like what’s happening here? loollololol I’m running around in the same circles tryin to catch myself from slipping. “You can choose to walk the golden life; it’s on you.” I wasn’t expecting the journey to be so strong; and impactful. I’ve connected to some of the most incredible people thru the experience.

Been bustin my a$$ out here; I’ve got this; even the skyline is in my favor.. The lights change every night, which helps me meditate into a conscious state where I feel like I’m flying. Something as unique as a light show; brings up my spirits.

Every lil piece of me is holding out for something / someone that I cant see. Every night, I pray for confirmation that I’m doing what I should be doing.

Only time will tell.